Sunday, 17 November 2013

GIF Sound: Create Funny Video Mashups By Combining Animated GIFs & Sound From YouTube 
If you found a funny animated GIF picture while surfing the web and want to combine it with some music for fun then check out GIF Sound. It combines an animated GIF file with a sound from YouTube and instantly view the combined mashup. You don’t need to download any software or even upload files. Simply enter a URL of an animated GIF and YouTube URL of the sound clip and press “Combine!”. The animated GIF will be combined with the YouTube sound into a video mashup and shown on the page.
You can choose to start playing a YouTube sound from a specific time point in the playback. Simply enter a number in the “seconds” field. So if you enter “10 seconds”, sound will start playing from a 10th second in the playback.


    Create video mashups on the fly from an animated GIF and your YouTube sound clip.
    Play sound from a specific time point.
    View most popular user-generated mashup combos.
    Share your mashups on Reddit.

Go to GIF sound –

thanx 4 visit here.



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